How Often Should I Perform Well Water Testing?

Mosman Well Works • November 8, 2019

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ruled that water protection laws only apply to public water systems. As such, policies and services for preserving the quality of water is reserved for public water systems exclusively. For private well owners such as you, this means that the maintenance and testing of your water are up to you.

What Is Well Water Testing?

Water safety is determined by testing for water quality indicators (WQIs) and contaminants. WQI tests are the most common tests performed as they measure the presence and amount of germs in your well. Most WQIs themselves are not the causes of illness, however, they are linked to many other health and safety concerns. For example, the presence of WQIs may indicate the presence of sewage and other disease-causing germs that may have leaked into your water system.

How Often Should My Water Be Tested?

Well owners should check their wells at a minimum of once a year. This is typically done during the spring season. Other tests such as tests for mechanical issues should also be done at this time. Tests for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids, and pH levels should be done once each year. If you suspect other contaminants may be in your water, additional tests can be done for those as well.

Why Call Mosman Well Works?

Identifying the right tests is a difficult and specialized task. Understanding the water systems in the area and possible factors that could influence your water are also factors that have to be taken into account when testing well water. Buying every test is an impractical approach as these tests are not cheap. Several tests can cost you a lot of money.

Instead, call Mosman Well Works for a consultation today! Our specialists are well trained and capable of determining the factors and potential issues of your water safety and perform only the tests that you need, saving you money. With over 20 years of experience, you can trust Mosman Well Works for safe and quality well water services.

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