Why Is My Well Water Dirty?

Mosman Well Works • August 17, 2020

Does your well water look dirty, discolored or have ‘junk’ floating in it? There are a number of reasons this can occur. In this short post we will take a moment to explain where dirty well water can come from and what you can do about it.

Why Is My Well Water Dirty?

Dirty well water could be caused by problems with your equipment or factors in the environment. Signs your equipment is damaged include weak water flow, higher energy consumption and unusual noises or smells when you tap your water. If the culprit of your dirty well water is environmental, consider these…

Causes of Discolored Well Water:

  • If you have a ‘rusty’ reddish tint to your water, you may have iron or manganese. Warning: This can cause permanent staining to your faucets, fixtures and laundry.
  • If the water has a blue or green tint, you may have copper contamination that can be harmful to your pipes.
  • If your water is yellow, you may have organic contamination from the surrounding soil. This is most common in shallow wells.
  • If you have white or cloudy water this is called ‘turbidity’ and is similar to smoke in the air. Moreover, it is a collection of various microscopic particles that are smaller than the naked eye can perceive.

Your Dirty Well Water May Be Caused By:

  • Agricultural Contamination. As many home wells are in areas with a lot of farms, agricultural contamination is a common cause of dirty well water. This occurs when the runoff of fertilizer, nitrates, pesticides and other soil additives leak into your well.
  • Salt Contamination. Salt contamination occurs in cold areas with snowy road conditions. The salt used to melt the ice on your street can run off into your well as the weather warms up.

We Can Help

If you have dirty well water, the first step is to call us and schedule a water test and well inspection. We will see what contaminants are in your water and inspect your well to determine where those contaminants may have come from. At Mosman Well Works we strive to be your go-to source for everything your well needs. Additionally, we will not pressure you into buying equipment and services you don’t need — we will treat you with honesty and integrity because we want your return business. To find out more about our water testing, click here, or just contact us. We are happy to help.

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