5 Frequently Asked Questions About Water Softeners

Mosman Well Works • September 8, 2020

Consistent use of hard water poses a risk to your pipes, hair, and skin. As such, many people use water softeners to improve quality. With the numerous options in the market, choosing the right product often poses a challenge.

How Does a Water Softener Work?

The process of softening water involves an elaborate ion exchange system where metals present in your water supply, such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, are replaced with sodium. Water softeners come with crystal-like resin beads. The minerals in hard water have a higher positive charge; thus, they replace the sodium ions on the beads.

Some of the main areas of concern outside the chemistry behind the process include;

1. What Size of Water Softeners Should I Get?

This depends on:

  • Storage space
  • Size of your household

You also need a system that gives you soft water during regeneration.

2. Is Softened Water Safe to Drink?

The amount of sodium introduced in the process is deemed safe for consumption as it is less than some foods and drinks.

3. How Does the Flow of Water Affect the Softening Process?

The installation process involves an assessment of your source of water. This determines the best location to place the softener and ensure you have a consistent flow.

4. What Happens when There Is No Power?

Most softeners do not use electricity to produce soft water. As such, the flow remains constant. In case of an outage, the system retains data, but you need to reset it once the power is back.

5. How Often Should I Check the Salt Level in My Water Softener?

Modern water softeners need to be checked every 6 weeks, since that is as long as the salt lasts. However, you can check it more regularly to ensure the level is higher than half the tank as this halts the softening process.

At Mosman Well Works, we prioritize customer input and work with you to find the best solution. Our team is experienced and ready to answer any questions you might have about any part of the process. Feel free to get in touch for prompt responses to installation request or choice assessment.

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