Ways to Conserve Water if You Have a Well

Mosman Well Works • August 17, 2020

You do not need to be a goat herder living in the sand dunes of the Sahara to want to conserve water. If you would like to reduce the chances your well runs dry, save wear and tear on your equipment or just be a good global citizen, let us share a few helpful tips to use less well water.

Ways to Conserve Water if You Have a Well:

  • Keep equipment in good working order. Make sure that your pump runs properly and that your water pipes do not leak. A quick well inspection by a professional is always a good investment.
  • Wash your dishes in the sink or a tub of soapy water instead of running the dishwasher. The average dishwasher consumes eight gallons of water per use.
  • If you are really short on water, warm your water up on the stove instead of running the faucet while you wait for hot water from your water heater to arrive.
  • Make use of rain barrels. You will need to check local ordinances, but why not take advantage of Mother Nature’s free water for your plants and garden?
  • Do not turn your tap to full. Run your faucet at a third or half of its capacity and you will use less water.
  • Find an alternative to flushing toilets. Consider using an outhouse or a composting toilet instead of a conventional bowl. If that does not appeal to you, try a ‘low flow’ toilet — it is kind of the best of both worlds.
  • Bathe, then shower. Instead of taking long showers, consider a bath to knock most of life’s grime off, then jump in the shower for a quick rinse.
  • Install more efficient appliances and fixtures. The EPA says doing so can help reduce water consumption by 20%

Will Conserving Well Water Make a Difference?

Although they seem small, these ways to conserve well water really do add up. According to the 2014 Government Accountability Report the average American family uses 88 gallons (0.33 cubic meters) of water a day! If you are smart, conscientious and work at it, you can come out way ahead of that number.

Mosman Well Works Can Help

We strive to be your go-to source for everything your well needs, whether that is repairs and equipment or just advice you can trust. You can explore our website to find out more about our services, or contact us to find out more. We are happy to help.

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