How Often Should My Well Water Be Tested?

Mosman Well Works • January 26, 2021

Water concerns your family’s general well-being and touches on every area of your life. Along with illnesses, water poses various other unpleasant, though less serious issues, such as odor, taste, color, staining of fabrics and home appliances. 

So, when should you test your water?

Under normal circumstances, it is generally advisable to have your water tested for bacteria, nitrates, dissolved metals and pH levels once a year. 

However, you may find that you require situational water testing services from time to time. The facts below will help you determine whether to test your water and, if so, suggested tests for your situation.

Factors to Consider

1. Your Water Source

Where does the water come from? 

If it’s from public water suppliers such as a community water system, then it’s likely that the water is monitored, and verified by the federal government to meet the requirements of National Primary Drinking Water Standards. In case of any contaminants, your water supplier must notify you.

If it’s from private water suppliers, such as a household well system, only you are responsible for the safety of your drinking water. 

For this reason you need to schedule routine water testing for a few of the most common contaminants. Routine because you will establish a water record even if you currently have clean water. 

This will help you obtain compensation when someone contaminates or damages your supply. 

2. Pregnancy

If you are expecting a newborn, or have a newborn in your household, test your water for nitrates, especially following the rainy season. 

3. Odor, Staining, Color, or Strange Taste 

Schedule for testing if your water changes. Test for chemical contaminants such as sulfate, iron, chloride, manganese, and unpleasant effects such as hardness and corrosion. If you suspect organic contaminants, test for them too. 

Confirm for any spillages such as volatile organic compounds.


Do you know who should test your water? Some county health departments offer testing services but if not, find a certified laboratory in your locality. 

For water testing in Woodbury, Southbury, and all of CT, reach out to speak to a Mosman Well Works certified technician on 203-439-4883 or to schedule your water test today.

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