The Advantages of Well Water vs. City Water

Mosman Well Works • January 26, 2021

By digging just a little bit, you will find great amounts of one of the most crucial natural resources; water. Admittedly, setting up a well to harvest that water can initially be quite the investment, but it guarantees returns. It therefore isn’t a surprise that up-to 42 million US residents use well water.

The most obvious benefit of having well-water vs. city water is the reduced costs and environmental compatibility. 

Walking away from city water may be liberating and offer a sense of freedom. However, on the other hand, maintaining a well may be an added responsibility since you are then overseeing the safety of your household water. Bacteria, spillages and debris may enter your well, so it’s important to partner with a reliable well maintenance and water testing specialist for your peace of mind.

Well Water vs. City Water

With that taken care of, here are the main advantages as to why well water is better than city water:

1. Environmentally Sustainable 

Anyone who cares for the well-being of our environment should know that well water is naturally filtered. Well water is devoid of all the chemicals used in the treatment of city water such as chlorine, fluoride and other potentially dangerous chemicals. The byproducts of these chemicals end up polluting the environment and affecting the ecosystem. Natural filtration means tastier, healthier, and overall better water quality. 

2. Reliability

With well water, you can say goodbye to water shortages caused by broken mains, advisories and other emergencies. With your own private well, you can prepare and fix issues immediately.

3. Cost Benefits

Having your own water source equals zero monthly bills. Minus the initial setup costs, and minimal system maintenance fees, the long-term savings cannot compare to the cost of municipal bills. 

4. Return on Investment

Having an independent water source in your property exponentially increases your home’s appeal. 


So which of the two options is great for you? The only shortcoming to well water is the initial investment cost and occasional maintenance costs. Unless you prefer monthly bills, the taste of tap water and the uncertainty of city water, investing on a well makes much more sense. 


Click here or call Mosman Well Works on 203-586-1688 to speak to a well systems specialist today.

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