Why Is There Rust in My Well Water?

Ruan Marinho • Sep 02, 2021

Have you ever rushed into the bathroom to wash up and brush your teeth only to see multiple rust grains dancing in your glass of water? It’s an alarming sight to behold. 

A well is a very reliable source of clean water supply for most households when properly maintained but there are times when you might start noticing a few anomalies in the water quality. One of the most common signs of poor well water quality is having rust particles inside the water. 

Causes and Dangers of Rust in Well Water

There are many possible reasons why you have rust in your well water but the most common cause is a high level of iron deposit under the soil.

This iron deposit is mostly from ferric iron, a member of the sediment family. It can also come from many iron bacteria within or around the aquifer. These iron bacteria can happen naturally in the soil, surface waters, or superficial groundwaters. When they interact with oxygen, oxidation occurs, causing it to breakdown into rust.


This can cause the well water to wear down your plumbing accessories and pipes, thereby causing more damage to your entire water supply system. 


Although iron bacteria are not especially harmful to your health, they can create an ideal environment for other harmful bacteria to thrive in your water. They can also affect the taste of your water or stain your clothing after a cycle in the washing machine. 

Diy Solutions to Rusty Well Water

Keeping your water safe for your family is a major priority for well owners. If you’ve noticed some rusty elements in your water, here are some DIY solutions that may improve the situation:

  • Add water softeners to your well water to remove certain rust particles that might be difficult to eliminate via filtration.
  • Combine the water softener with water enhancement products as they complement each other.
  • Install a rust filter along with the aforementioned water treatment additives. Filtration can help remove certain rust particles.

When to Call a Professional

According to the Center For Disease Control (CDC), well water should be tested by a professional at least once every year to ensure it’s not only safe from rust but also other harmful gases and pathogens. Relying on water treatment home remedies for too long can gradually deplete the quality of your water supply over time.


You can also rely on a professional to handle your water filtration services to keep your household safe from harmful elements. 


At Mosman Well Works, we can examine your water supply system to find out the specific cause of the corrosion and determine the best solution to the issue. From testing to filtration to repairs, we do it all. Give us a call today for a quote. 

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